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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for September 2008

Annemarie Juhlian, Wedding Officiant Seattle Tacoma WA

Every day is a wedding day in the Pacific Northwest! As a non-denominational Wedding Officiant and Minister in the Seattle/Tacoma area, I share my insights, stories, musing and random thoughts on the business and personal side of all that is a "wedding." I welcome your email note, comment or question!

Planning Your 2009 Wedding - A Few Tips From "Behind The Scenes..." - September 16, 2008

Love Those Smiles! Derrick & LizAugust, 2008 Ed Hume Seeds CompanyAs I meet with couples this month and throughout the Fall for 2009, I'd like to share a few tips for your ceremony that will help you save money:- Plan Your Ceremony For Mid-Day and Enjoy Brunch or Lunch: You'll save money by getting married in the late morning or early afternoon - enjoy a celebration lunch or brunch instead of a more formal or lavish dinner. - Plan a Weekday Wedding, i.e., Monday-Friday: That's right! More..

JAY AND SARAH'S WEDDING AT SAFECO FIELD - They met there, they married there! - September 8, 2008

Jay and Sarah MontgomeryAugust 18, 2008, SAFECO FIELDbeautiful photo: What a fun and fabulous afternoon! Congratulations to Jay and Sarah Montgomery who were married on August 18th at homeplate, SAFECO FIELD.Jay and Sarah met at SAFECO FIELD and celebrated their wedding among close family and friends on a wonderful Monday afternoon.Jay and Sarah, I wish you much happiness and joy as you move into your married life together!Your Officiant and Friend, Annemarie

A Wedding Can Be Chaotic OR It Can Be A Peaceful And Joyful Experience... - September 1, 2008

The Very Wonderful Jason and Jennie Melton!August 3, 2008, The Edgewater Hotel beautiful photo by and Scott & Jennifer MatsudaLABOR DAY WEDDING WEEKEND IS OVER - Now, I can breathe. Over the years, I find more couples are being married on "holiday weekends," to take advantage of the extra days for guest travel and time with family and friends. This past weekend, I had marvelous weddings - weddings which were peaceful, oganized and at ease and two in particular that were.
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