another letter to Emma- September 17, 2008 Dear Emma, How many more times will you pop yourself in the mouth with that rubberband I&8217;ve tried taking it away from you, but you keep finding more. Which brings me to my next question - where are you finding rubberbands Love, Mommy ps - let&8217;s go eat some lunch 16 months on Earth- September 16, 2008 Emma Grace has been here for 16 months, and we haven&8217;t totally messed her up!! Yet. This is all happening WAY too fast. new theme- September 15, 2008 Like the new theme It&8217;s a little different than what I&8217;m used to, but I really like the clean lines and easy to read sidebars. It&8217;s not as &8220;messy&8221; now, right It&8217;s the easy-to-modify Cutline theme by Chris Pearson. Don&8217;t know the guy at all &8230; just giving credit where credit is due. I need to work ... a time to be green- September 15, 2008 Ever since we started cloth diapering Emma, Ken and I have worked on becoming more &8220;green&8221; in our everyday lives. We use CFL light bulbs, we use re-usable unpaper towels and napkins (towels that I made out of fabric), we turn off lights when we&8217;re not in that room, we try to remember to unplug ... New Website- September 12, 2008 Keli hates when I pump a new website on here, so I am hiding in another room and posting this. Hopefully she doesn&8217;t read the blog anytime soon. Fantasy sports leagues have become so popular that I decided to create a unique type of fantasy sports site where you trade stock in popular ... cloth diapering 101: part four - washing- September 10, 2008 This is probably the least favorite part of cloth diapering for most people - but I enjoy it. Maybe too much. It&8217;s so nice pulling those fresh, clean diapers out of the dryer. I even smell them. But I&8217;m getting ahead of myself. I talked about pail liners and hanging wetbags in part three, and I ... letter to my monkey- September 9, 2008 Dear Emma, Just because you took a 4.5 hour nap today does not mean you can stay up until 10 o&8217;clock. Okay, it does. But it will never happen again. Ever. Next time, we will make you cry in your crib until you fall asleep. Okay, we won&8217;t. But we&8217;ll at least think about it. So now that you&8217;re finally ... homegirl needs a haircut- September 8, 2008 I just realized while looking at those pictures that Emma is very shagalicious. Seriously. Homegirl needs a haircut. But I don&8217;t know what to do. I refuse &8230; REFUSE to cut off the curls at her neck, because I firmly believe that those are curls she grew in the womb. They&8217;ve been washed since then, ... Gerber is gonna call I just know it- September 8, 2008 Eat your heart out, Christie Brinkley. Clearly, I spend way too much time taking pictures of my daughter if she already knows how to &8220;pose.&8221; I know, I know. Her arm is missing in both shots, and that&8217;s a big no-no. We&8217;ll work on that. Of course, it takes about 40 of these &8230; &8230; to get ... testing video posting- September 6, 2008 We updated to the newest version of WordPress last night, and now I&8217;m having issues posting videos of the munchkin &8230; so this is a test using a video of Emma eating corn on the cob. edited to add: Okay, that worked. But Ken said that it&8217;s actually Firefox &8230; not Wordpress. All I hear is ... |