UW-Madison News: BiosciencesNews stories from the University of Wisconsin-MadisonMonsanto supports UW plant breeding with $1 million fellowship gift- September 18, 2008 Monsanto Co. has made a $1 million gift to support plant breeding and genetics in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.http://www.news.wisc.edu/15628 New process derives 'green gasoline' from plant sugars- September 18, 2008 Alternative energy doesn't always mean solar or wind power. In fact, the alternative fuels developed by University of Wisconsin-Madison chemical and biological engineering professor James Dumesic look a lot like the gasoline and diesel fuel used in vehicles today.http://www.news.wisc.edu/15627 Executive director named for Morgridge Institute for Research- September 11, 2008 A distinguished researcher from Purdue University with significant private and public sector experience will return to Wisconsin as the executive director of the new Morgridge Institute for Research, part of the twin Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery.http://www.news.wisc.edu/15591 Great ideas sought for WID competition- September 11, 2008 To chart the direction of the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery (WID), the committee and campus leaders charged with formulating the vision for the new interdisciplinary institute have issued a call for research theme proposals from UWMadison faculty.http://www.news.wisc.edu/15521 World Stem Cell Summit comes to Madison Sept. 21-23- September 10, 2008 Meeting stem cell experts from around the world, unique networking opportunities, and a public day of outreach await those attending the World Stem Cell Summit and related events Sept. 21-23 in Madison, Wis.http://www.news.wisc.edu/15585 Baby's smell tamps down dad's testosterone levels- September 3, 2008 Does eau de infant make dad a better parent It does, it seems, if you are a common marmoset, a New World monkey known for its collaborative approach to rearing offspring.http://www.news.wisc.edu/15550 |