The Peking DuckA peculiar hybrid of personal journal, dilettantish punditry, pseudo-philosophy and much more, from an Accidental Expat who has made his way from Hong Kong to Beijing to Taipei and finally back to Beijing for reasons that are still not entirely clear to him...Shocker- September 22, 2008 Kaiser Kuo posted this video link on another medium, and you simply have to go there. Absolutely electrifying. The Ownership Society- September 22, 2008 Remember that Bush slogan This was going be the time when people and businesses would be responsible for themselves, without the government clinging like a monkey on their backs. The free market would set things right and, unfettered by bureaucracy and unspoiled by handouts, America would prosper like never before. Well, it didn&8217;t exactly turn ... Should Obama be rejected for ties to Fannie Mae- September 22, 2008 If you think so, what would you say about this Senator John McCains campaign manager was paid more than $30,000 a month for five years as president of an advocacy group set up by the mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to defend them against stricter regulations, current and former officials say. First time in years- September 21, 2008 MoDo has written a splendid column. As it starts, you groan because she seems to be using her usual cheeky tricks. And then it picks up speed and gravitas. I know, Maureen set the bar kind of low, but this is her magnum opus. First time in years I&8217;ve read one her columns and ended ... Are you watching- September 21, 2008 By now we all know about the bailout of the robber barons who brought death into this world and all our woe. They and the government - which are looking more and more like a single entity - are being rewarded beyond any of their wildest dreams for their staggering failure and incompetence while we ... Irony til the cows come home- September 19, 2008 It takes a great writer to enrage you and make you laugh out loud at the same time. People should stop picking on vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin because she hired a high school classmate to oversee the state agriculture division, a woman who said she was qualified for the job because she liked cows when she ... Baidu Ethics- September 18, 2008 An amazing post by the great David Wolf. I have nothing to add, but want to make sure no one misses it. A textbook example of the ethical landmines scattered across China&8217;s business landscape. (Via Danwei.) To my shock, I was able to access this site, the first time I&8217;ve gotten onto a typepad site here ... Why we arent out of the woods yet- September 18, 2008 In fact, we&8217;re deeper in the woods than ever. All the elements are in place for a continuation of the unthinkable becoming thinkable. For the past 18 months or so I&8217;ve said we would have a sharp downturn highlighted by a battered dollar and inflation and malaise. I was careful to say I did not ... |