ArtichokeA "place" where I can wrestle with ideas, argue, challenge, think, and rethink. A "space" where I expose my raw and flawed thinking about information communication technology, teaching, and learning for critique.If only Jane Gilbert had a blog .... and NZCER had a wiki ....- September 4, 2008 Last week a local principal gave me a copy of Jane Gilberts Progress in 21st century education a New Zealand Council for Educational Research conference paper. In it Gilbert claims that we need to rethink progress and think differently... Dolly Parton and the MOEs Best Evidence Research Synthesis- September 2, 2008 Given that so much of what we do in education in New Zealand is directed by meta-analysis, including all our Best Evidence Research Synthesis reports, reading Gene Glass on Meta analysis at 25 makes me feel insecure and vulnerable ...... |