Stop The Spirit of Zossen 2.0A Diary of the Imperial CityMirror, Mirror: Theyre All Bolsheviks, Now . . .- September 22, 2008 It could be that Star Trek episode, you know the one. Evil Spock with the goatee. &8220;Mirror, Mirror&8221; (Season 2, Episode 33 for the geeks). Instead here it is early 1921. A Politburo meeting. The topic How to prevent a systemic collapse after excesses of dogmatically ideological government ... Over To You, Beijing, Riyadh, Kuwait And UAE (Updated)- September 19, 2008 Fine, who&8217;s going to pay for it We&8217;re still skeptical the U.S. can sucker punch them yet again for a cash infusion. Particularly now since the Warlord&8217;s tenure puts an exclamation point on &8220;The Unipolar Power Has No Clothes&8221; across all measures of influence, perceptions of power and status (even Scalia is ... Change: Who Whom- September 18, 2008 It&8217;s a frightening thing to contemplate without illusion; the U.S. will indeed see change. Yet many cling to the pretense that we are still masters of the change. Poll swings aside here or there, this is what we get: Mr Obama released a two-minute advert - four times the length of most campaign commercials ... What Mike Deaver And Sarah Palin Might Have In Common- September 12, 2008 At moments &8212; that is how the talking head circles preface comments on Palin&8217;s sit down with Gibson. At moments she was on her game, upbeat, on point. Even repeating her theme song on the &8216;bridge to nowhere&8217;. Other moments We are told she stumbled. Why, she could not ... David Brooks Lectures Us, The Boy King And Palin On The Art Of Being Weird- September 9, 2008 At least Fosse&8217;s Cabaret had Joel Grey as MC. How very Splenda. For 2008 we must endure David Brooks&8217; faux earnestness to tell us: . . . For candidates, the lesson is: Weirdness Wins . . . Last winter, Barack Obama succeeded by running a weird campaign. He wasnt just a normal politician aiming ... 2 On 1 - Catty Open Thread- September 7, 2008 The estimable Maureen Dowd on Palin: You know what Im thinking, because youre thinking it, too . . . It&8217;s delicious imagining the Debate of the Century between Big Mama, as Bills male aides called Hillary, and Hottie Granny, as People magazine will doubtless dub Sarah. ESPN will want in. ... Palins Walk And GOP Talk- September 3, 2008 A surprisingly effective evening. Palin we believed delivered a triple blow to the Boy King and his loquacious Man At Arms. First, she showed up and didn&8217;t crumple under the most brutal, hateful vindictiveness that Kool Aiders at Huff Post et al. could muster; no Quayle frozen in the headlights. She ... Go Away Or I Shall Taunt You A Second Time- September 2, 2008 (A temporary break from &8216;All Palin All The Time&8217; coverage) Well that should do the trick. Not even les sanctions politiques et conomiques can be mentioned. We&8217;ve all discussed here the limits of U.S. power projection on the World Island, much less adjacent to a non-feeble (of any sort) Russia. If the EU ... |