Aquatic Plant Central - AquascapingDiscuss aquascaping designs and techniques as well as get critiques on your aquascaping pictures. Find out how to use aquatic plants, reefs, and wood to design a planted aquarium.Day1, Hour1, Minute1: new ADG 90cm- September 27, 2008 Just set this up today. Let's watch it grow together. Tank: ADA 90-P Substrate: ADA Aqua Soil Amazonia Power Sand Special M Tourmaline BC Penac P and W Plants: Cyperus helferi Isoetes japonica Java Fern var. Narrow Susswassertang Hygrophila "Kompakt" Cryptocoryne Wendtii Red Cryptocoryne Wendtii "Tropica" (bronze) Liliaeopsis brasilensis Java Moss Eleocharis acicularis Echinodorus tenellus Relevant updates as they occur. Image:... Ideas for Aquascaping my new tank Anyone- September 26, 2008 I am getting a new tank tomorrow, 55 gallons to be exact, and I need some ideas for aquascaping. Once I lay down my substrate then how do I plant my plants How deep should they be in the substrate What else can I get to put my plants around (ex. rock, driftwood) what does everyone recommend Thanks!! Need Advice On Setting Up New Tropical Tank- September 25, 2008 Hi! I am just starting out and looking into getting a 55 gallon tropical aquarium and I need advice on what plants, what kind of lighting, filtration, water additives, gravel, etc. that I should get and how to plant and start out my first full scale tropical aquarium. I am a novice but I am very willing to learn and would appreciate your opinions. Here are some things that I have in mind: _Plants_ I would like a variety of plants that would be low maintenance but still look aesthetically... Tank Layout For Comment- September 25, 2008 Here are some layout Ideas. CommentsSuggeustions Layout v.1 Image: http:i122.photobucket.comalbumso263BJRuttenberg10Tank4.jpg Image: http:i122.photobucket.comalbumso263BJRuttenberg10Tank3.jpg Slightly Different v1.2 Image: http:i122.photobucket.comalbumso263BJRuttenberg10Tank5.jpg Layout v.2 Image: http:i122.photobucket.comalbumso263BJRuttenbergIMG00023.jpg v2.1 Image: http:i122.photobucket.comalbumso263BJRuttenbergTankIWAG1.jpg v2.2 Image:... Scarlet Dreams- September 24, 2008 tank:20 long lighting:2 X 18 wt T-5 substrate: soilmaster manzanita, petrified wood, purple lace rock Anubias coffeefolia Anubias nana Crypt ideii Crypt wendtii bronze Crypt lutea dwarf onion pair of chocolate gouramis, 6 blue form axelrodi rasbora, 7 juvie dario dario, 2 amano It needs a background Image: http:img.photobucket.comalbumsv223waterfaller1sd92408pl1.jpg Discus Dream- September 24, 2008 I started this tank when i moved in July. It's now going on almost 3 months. I also started a thread about the tank called MY 90 ONLY 1 MONTH OLD but thought i should start new and update. The dilema I have been facing the last 4 weeks is slow growth of most of my plants, especially my red plants. After researching and putsing around I raised my tek light 6 more inches away from the surface and am in the process of finding 2 10000k to replace 2 of the six 6500K T5 bulbs. Its almost as... 90cm - Hill of Skull- September 24, 2008 Wanted to share my latest layout. This one is pretty simple.... Image: http:projectaquarium.comimageshillofskull.jpg I will post more info tomorrow....its too late for me:) Thanks for looking. Comments are welcome. jB Aquascaping help- September 24, 2008 Finally a got a good bunch of plants growing. Uncertain how to arrange them. The HOB has been removed. I has only been set up for a few days. I did in a rush at 2 am. It needs some changes. Any suggestions Plants are Hornwort, in back Hygrophila sunset on the right Rotala Indica and Tonia in the middle Bacopa carolina right of wood Sagittaria subulata front Left of wood Carolina Fanwort 2 stems Cryptocoryne balancae 2 Hygrophila difformis 1.. Lands Of Sarawak- September 22, 2008 Lands Of Sarawak is my new 65cm ADA tank for my new home :D I wanted a iwagumi tank, simple, clean, without rules.......all easy. This is my small "making off" :D The begining.........The tank very very clean :D Image: http:i2.photobucket.comalbumsy23Rubforoslands1.jpg Penac W and Penac P Image: http:i2.photobucket.comalbumsy23Rubforoslandspenac.jpg Bacter 100 Image: http:i2.photobucket.comalbumsy23Rubforoslandsbacter.jpg Clear Super Image:... Aquascape Maintenance- September 21, 2008 I see numerous articles on how to start an aquascape, and how to address various problems, how to setup a layout, etc. But I have consistently encountered difficult in the realm of aquascape maintenance... For Example: 1) Do I trim HC or or Glosso When do I trim it If I do trim it do I go in and cut out individual leaves to thin the carpet or is there another method 2) Do I cut the tops off stem plants or do I remove them and cut off the bottoms and replant the tops 3) Where moss is... |