the gookins dot netApparently, Don's political blog.i cant stop now- September 26, 2008 Seventy-two year old John McCain&8217;s VP pick, who could become the leader of the most powerful nation on Earth if he kicks the bucket, believes that witches are real. &8220;Even in the days of Jesus Christ, according to the Bible there were witches who were manifesting through demonic forces,&8221; she said. &8220;You can seek from the ... sorry, another political post- September 25, 2008 I was going to try to stop writing about politics, but I just&8230;can&8217;t&8230;help it! I&8217;ll be glad when this election is over and I can shut up and get back to posting about important things like lolcats. Well, now McCain has called for a postponement of the first debate between him and Obama, scheduled for Friday ... the s-word revisited- September 25, 2008 Heather makes some interesting points regarding how we, as homeschooling parents, respond to the &8220;What about socialization&8221; question that seems to revisit us all too often. Never once do you hear a homeschooler say, &8220;Socialization with other kids What makes you think they need it&8221; There are problems with defending your homeschooled kids&8217; social development with a ... more on the wall street bail-out- September 23, 2008 You too can sell your bad assets to the government. Just go to and add any bad assets you&8217;d like the government to take off your hands. Also, don&8217;t miss the bail-out request in Nigerian-spam style: Dear American: I need to ask you to support an urgent secret business relationship with a transfer of funds of great ... is pissing me off- September 23, 2008 My stupid, crappy, you-get-less-than-you-pay-for webhost, is really frickin&8217; annoying me. All I want to do is upload a tiny little Wordpress plugin and I cannot connect with my server via FTP or through their control panel. I&8217;ve tried FTP through my FTP client and through the address bar of three different browsers, and it ... the power of 32 words- September 23, 2008 If you&8217;ve been following the proposed Wall Street bailout plan that Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson is pushing, you know that there are some serious problems with the plan. Seven-hundred billion dollars ($700,000,000,000 - wow, look at all those zeros) of taxpayer money would be used to buy bad mortgage debt (and other bad debt), that ... you too can read Sarah Palins email- September 18, 2008 Remember hearing about that Troopergate investigation in Alaska, and the related allegations that Sarah Palin and her staff were using private email addresses for public business so that they could avoid the email being subject to public scrutiny Someone managed to hack into her Yahoo! Mail account. Unfortunately, someone else tipped her people off and the ... more cool science- September 17, 2008 The Hubble Space Telescope has discovered a new, unidentified object in space. Scientists say it is different from anything they&8217;ve observed before. The really weird part is that it appeared out of nowhere, and then after 100 days it disappeared again. new programming resource- September 16, 2008 Joel from Joel on Software just announced the public beta of Stack Overflow, a new programming Q&038;A site that sounds like it has the potential to be incredibly useful: You know what drives me crazy Programmer Q&038;A websites. You know what Im talking about. You type a very specific programming question into Google and you get ... good homeschooling story- September 15, 2008 Although Daryl and Chris already posted this, it&8217;s too good not to pass along. A great story on homeschooling from CBS Sunday Morning: |