The Wily FilipinoWhatever tickles my ear and catches my eye.New American Pop Entry: Tongues Like Parrots.- June 28, 2008 A new entry, on Filipino musicians, on my American Pop blog, called Tongues Like Parrots.... Xavier Gens' Frontier(s).- June 25, 2008 Horror movies, as any Comp Lit freshman would tell you, are often allegories of something or other. They can,... American Pop.- June 19, 2008 Yes, that's my ugly mug staring at you from my brand-new "American Pop" column for There are a few... You Wouldn't Get This From Any Other Guy.- June 17, 2008 Either Manila is the greatest concert city ever... ...or the most cursed. Still: Rick!... And Where I Was The Afternoon Before.- June 17, 2008 Where I'll Be This Afternoon.- June 16, 2008 From the University of the Philippines Centennial Recognition Rites -- check out that last guy on the National Scientists list!... The Joys of Dislocation.- June 10, 2008 I read the first half of uncommonly prolific scholar Patricio N. (Jojo) Abinales' new collection of essays on a... Maps.- June 4, 2008 We learn to trust maps for their indexical, authoritative quality, for their capacity to be the arbiters of truth. Out... |