Penny Arcade on Lego fruit snacks- June 20, 2008 unfortunately, the bottoms are flat so they don't stack nicely via Edith Macefield, Ballard woman who refused to sell her home, passes away at 86- June 20, 2008 wonderful story; I'm not the only one who was reminded of The Little House Girl Talk's Feed the Animals, outstanding illegal mashup album- June 19, 2008 I gave $20 towards the inevitable legal costs; preview it on Hype Machine, partial sample list on Wikipedia First Philadelphia Computer Music Festival from 1979- June 19, 2008 MP3s for the entire vinyl LP; I love hearing digital through an analog medium Earliest recordings of computer music revealed- June 19, 2008 on an Ferranti Mark I in 1951, before Bell Labs and Daisy but after the CSIRAC Firefox 3's robot easter egg- June 19, 2008 if you don't want to be spoiled, just type "about:robots" in the location bar Kevin Kelly and Brian Eno predict unthinkable futures from 1993- June 19, 2008 "it costs half a day's pay to drive your car into the downtown area of a big city" Twittering Teddy, Teddy Ruxpin modded to speak real-time tweets- June 19, 2008 a fun hack, equal parts terrifying and irritating |