Alfredo Octavio: VenezuelaNews about my country(Untitled)- October 5, 2005 Tim Bray from ongoing points to an essay by esr on Suicidalism, Tim criticizes the essay and qualifies esr as nut. I, for one, do not agree. I think esr has a point with that essay. A point brought forth by the Saudi Arabian women telling the US envoy, they are not oppressed, they are happy as they are, they don't want to drive. If there were a country were not a single woman wanted to drive, that would be fine with me, but that country wouldn't need a law forbidding women to drive, would it... (Untitled)- October 2, 2005 I don't understand why this info about the truth of the days and times of Salvador Allende hasn't gotten more airplay here and in the US. I have some questions over it, like, did Pinochet know this at the time. It seems to me that this theory should have been more convenient if someone even thought about it. Both the suicide and the fighting theory sound fishy too and the fact that it was Fidel who made up the fighting theory of the death of Allende, leads credence in my mind to this theory.... |