Atascadero NewsLocal news for Atascadero, CA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Azevedo's Olympic hopes end quickly with a loss to Abas- June 16, 2008 Atascadero resident and assistant Cal Poly wrestling coach Matt Azevedo finished fourth at 121 pounds Saturday at the U. S. Olympic Wrestling Trials. 101 Closure Slated For A Two Week Period- June 16, 2008 In Atascadero, Highway 101 will be closed in both directions for two weeks beginning June 16th Cal-Trans says the closure will go into affect each night Mon-Fri from 9p.m.- 5a.m. If you are traveling northbound ... Letters on Joel Stein's Column on Gay Marriages- June 14, 2008 R egarding, "Hey grandma, remember Liberace and vote for gay marriage" : Joel Stein was not only offensive to a whole generation, but also to those who think critically and have deep convictions. PICTURE OF THE WEEK- June 11, 2008 Photo Caption: Preschool Graduation Song By: Duane Hall Hwy. 101 in Atascadero to be closed overnight for two weeks- June 11, 2008 Highway 101 through Atascadero will be closed overnight starting Monday as Caltrans crews complete work on a new interchange with Highway 41. Lon Allan: Atascadero homes are rich in city's history- June 11, 2008 My addiction started innocently enough. Marj Mackey, founder of the Atascadero Historical Society in 1965, told me a couple of stories about "the early days" of the community. |