Stark County Law Library BlogServing the legal community of Stark County, Ohio"Fast Facts: Fourth of July 2008"- July 1, 2008 From the blog: Facts and stats relating to the holiday. Including: + 2.5 million In July 1776, the estimated number... "Law Firm Marketing Opportunity: New Top Level Domains (TLD)"- July 1, 2008 Posted by Ron Friedmann: A pending change in Internet domain names creates new law firm branding opportunities. The New... "When Personal Life Impacts Professional Life"- July 1, 2008 By Julie Fleming Brown: "One of the ways that I describe the work I do is "professional and personal coaching... "Arbitrators and Bias: International Dispute Resolution"- July 1, 2008 Posted by JD Hull: It's a challenge for even Brooke Powell, our Pennsylvania-based WAC writer, Hull McGuire stalwart, and litigation... "New on 60 Gadgets in 60 Minutes, FOIA Facts, Competitive Intelligence - A Selective Resource Guide"- July 1, 2008 Posted by Sabrina Pacifici: FOIA Facts: My Proposals for the FOIA: Following up on the passage earlier this year... "Finally, Dictation Software for Your Cell Phone"- July 1, 2008 From the blog: What is the one piece of technology that you carry around with you virtually everywhere Of course,... "Six Steps to Becoming a Google Master"- July 1, 2008 Posted by Dennis Kennedy: I'm surprised how often I hear lawyers say that they want a document management, knowledge management,... "Evernote Ends Closed Beta, Open to All "- July 1, 2008 Posted by Robert Ambrogi: Evernote, the perpetual, multi-platform note-keeping and Web-clipping service that I reviewed favorably in March (Evernote Beta:... |