- ComputerLatest Article Headlines from for ComputerThe Shocking Truth About Pop Ups !- (Found July 2, 2008 ) You will certainly already know a lot about pop ups if you are surfing on the web on a regular basis. They are those tiny little windows that open up if you are just entering a site or if you want to leave it . Other variations are windows which are loaded completely in the background (pop under) .Pop Ups Are Annoying and Disturbing To Surfers Lottery Scam, what it is and how to avoid them- (Found July 2, 2008 ) Internet scams and frauds are on the rise! The quantity of scam emails with various fraud schemes any email account receives today is simply overwhelming! There is this infamous Nigerian 419 scam, which is by far the most widely circulated one. I wrote about it in one of our ezine articles not long ago. You can read about it here! And there are many other scams like Lottery, Letter of Credit, money transfer, black money conversion, real estate, fraudulent order and the list goes on and on. THE DEMISE OF EMAIL- (Found July 2, 2008 ) If something isn't done to control the mountains of spam on the internet, the use of email will soon become a thing of the past. As it is today, once you consider buying something or register to get some information, your email address is placed in databases that lead to hundreds of useless and many times pornographic emails. Speaking Heart to Heart on the Internet and Anywhere- (Found July 2, 2008 ) Ideally, whenever we wanted to talk to another person, we could do so over tea or coffee while relaxing on a cozy couch. Or if we are both Nichiren Buddhists as I am and the topic of conversation is a touchy one, we could sit down in front of our altar and chant Nam myoho renge kyo together before we begin our dialogue (chanting is the Nichiren Buddhist form of prayer). How Is Spam Affecting Your Day- (Found July 2, 2008 ) 1) They must give a full header. This means that the sender has to clearly identify themselves 2) They must give you a real line to be removed from their mailing list. Be that as it may, it will not stop your hard core senders from mov.. |