the Contax G PagesThe online resource for users of Contax G autofocus rangefinder camerasPotsdamer Platz by Night- (Found July 2, 2008 ) The night before Jan, Chuck, Wilfred and Merrill arrived Jerome and myself went to Potsdamer Platz. With 2 tripods and 5 cameras. What would Potsdamer Platz, more specifically Sony Center, look like at night This is how it looked - for a few moments that is. Enough for me to take this picture. The lights inside the center changed colours, and cast the colours onto the buildings and the magnificent roof. I don't recall the settings here, but I am sure that the Hologon was open for a number of.. Berber At The Gate- (Found July 2, 2008 ) Essaouira, Morocco Train Reflection- (Found July 2, 2008 ) Same place, same time. Berlin, G Summit, 2008. Resting at Alexanderplatz- (Found July 2, 2008 ) Berlin, G Summit, June 2008. Pretending to be Irish- (Found July 2, 2008 ) The Dutch look quite good in green Butlers Chocolate Cafe- (Found July 2, 2008 ) Dublin, Ireland. |