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Feed items 1 - 6 of 6 for October 2005

Bing Bang Bong - October 12, 2005

I haven't caught much hockey yet but the stuff I've watched is pretty darn good hockey so far. It looks like the hockey they played 15 years ago before the league expanded too much and diluted all the talent. The...

Wingman - October 11, 2005

When I get a pet I'm gonna name him Goose so that I can tell people I'm Maverick....

Pretentious Girly-ness - October 9, 2005

I went on a coffee run on Thursday and was asked to pick up assorted coffees for others. Below is the list of pretentious girly drinks I was asked to get: Grande Vanilla Non-Fat No Foam Latte Tall Non-Fat Chai...

Film Fests - October 5, 2005

I often think that the purpose of film festivals is that it allows film geeks with bad taste to force bad movies upon an unsuspecting marketplace. How else could you explain why film festivals so frequently show movies that are...

Hooray for Boobies! - October 4, 2005

The housewarming consisted of lots of boob talk. It was Keira Knightley's nipple in this month's issue of Esquire. It was Tina asking if Ernie was looking at Danica's boobs. It was pictures of Clara's jugs and comments about how...

Pfft... - October 2, 2005

I could really use a nimble mid engined roadster and a great strip of asphalt. In other news after 27 months of working the night shift at work I'm finally getting of. I'm moving to a 10-7 shift effective in...
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