features a rich mix of information and services for the Support and Training Communities.Is hiring 'differently able' people unprofitable- (Found July 2, 2008 ) Definitely not, say the advocates of 'diversity theory' What is going wrong with UK eGovernment- (Found July 2, 2008 ) The first in a series of articles looking at the main reasons why the UK eGovernment is failing to perform to expectations. Today: Infrastructure. Fraudulent Telemarketers...or Knights of the Phone- (Found July 2, 2008 ) What can you expect from telemarketers when your charitable organisation is in need Customer Rescue!- (Found July 2, 2008 ) Crisis... what crisis Bringing customers back from the brink. What is going wrong with eGovernment Part2: Citizen take-up- (Found July 2, 2008 ) In the second of our articles on eGovernment, what can the UK government do to increase the number of people who actually use their online services Are we talking telephone numbers, or just new gimmicks- (Found July 2, 2008 ) Will changes to UK directory services mean you get the right phone number faster, or just loads of unhelpful technological 'wizardry' Call centres: tomorrow's hole in the wall- (Found July 2, 2008 ) Remember how it used to be before cash machines Will the next generation of call centres make today's phone enquiry seem that bad Are call centres in India beginning to struggle- (Found July 2, 2008 ) It seems they have their fair share of problems, and the situation does not seem to be improving. The BBC has the e-learning industry up in arms- (Found July 2, 2008 ) Set to spend 150m pounds sterling of licence payer's money on e-learning after finally receiving government 'go-ahead' Get a job No thanks, we would rather get drunk!- (Found July 2, 2008 ) Believe it or not, only 21% of students see their career as the most important reason for being at university. |