avant soapwe have a life -- a REAL life, and part of it is online (Curt Cloninger)
(Untitled)- February 27, 2004 Mogi, item hunt. For a month now, I have been playing a java mobile phone game called Mogi, Item hunt from French company Newt Games. It uses the GPS functions of the KDDI AU phones and allows you to pick up virtual items spread on the whole of Japan. IN-duce.nethttp://blogs.it/0100508/2004/02/28.html#a1148 (Untitled)- February 22, 2004 <!-- WINKsite iframe include STARTS --><!-- modify the siteid variable for the site id of your site --><script type="textjavascript">var siteid = 3137;<script><script type="textjavascript" src="http:winksite.comsiteiframe.js"><script><!-- WINKsite iframe include ENDS -->http://blogs.it/0100508/2004/02/22.html#a1147 |