W3C Suomen toimistoThis news feed of the W3C Finnish Office lists the 50 newest news items of the current calendar year. The difference with the W3C news feed is that this feed includes also the Finnish-only news, and translates the global news topics to some extent in Finnish.Canonical XML Version 1.1 valmistui ja julkaistiin W3C-suosituksena- May 2, 2008 2008-05-02: The XML Core Working Group has published the W3C Recommendation of Canonical XML Version 1.1. Canonical XML Version 1.1 is a revision to Canonical XML Version 1.0 to address issues related to inheritance of attributes in the XML namespace when canonicalizing document subsets, including the requirement not to inherit xml:id, and to treat xml:base URI path processing properly. Canonical XML Version 1.1 is applicable to XML 1.0 and defined in terms of the XPath 1.0 data model. It is...http://www.w3c.tut.fi/news/news2008.html#item90 W3C-esitelmi toukokuussa- May 1, 2008 2008-05-01: Browse W3C presentations and events also available as an RSS channel. (Permalink)http://www.w3c.tut.fi/news/news2008.html#item87 XProc: An XML Pipeline Language, luonnos- May 1, 2008 2008-05-01: The XML Processing Model Working Group has published a Working Draft of XProc: An XML Pipeline Language. This specification describes the syntax and semantics of XProc: An XML Pipeline Language, a language for describing operations to be performed on XML documents. Pipelines are made up of simple steps which perform atomic operations on XML documents and constructs similar to conditionals, iteration, and exception handlers, which control which steps are executed. The status section..http://www.w3c.tut.fi/news/news2008.html#item89 OPAALS 2008 -konferenssi- May 1, 2008 2008-05-01: W3C Suomen toimisto on mukana jrjestmss kansainvlist OPAALS 2008 -konferenssia Tampereella 7.-8.10.2008. Konferenssin teema on digitaalisten ekosysteemien tutkimus ja kehitys. Konferenssi liittyy EU:n Network or Excellence -hankkeeseen jonka osana hydynnetn mys W3C:n standardoimia tekniikoita. Artikkeliehdotuksia voi lhett konferenssiin 11. heinkuuta asti.http://www.w3c.tut.fi/news/news2008.html#item89-fi-0502 Product Modelling XG-tyryhm kehittmn perusontologiaa tuotemallinnukseen- May 1, 2008 2008-05-01: W3C is pleased to announce the creation of the Product Modelling Incubator Group, sponsored by W3C Members TNO, POSC-Caesar Association, and Fraunhofer. Per the charter, the SWOP and S-TEN projects, with the POSC Caesar Association, believe that it is possible to define a small core of basic classes and properties for product modelling. This "product core" could be the basis of the ontologies defined by the two projects, and for many other application ontologies. This core.http://www.w3c.tut.fi/news/news2008.html#item88 |