SyklubbHI we are a bunch of Norwegian girls living in Brisbane or have lived here... Here is some of our doings... go to these links... and for pictures (Found July 2, 2008 ) This year has started of the best it ever could.... seriously i am a loser i know but look at the facts...I woke up sober.. ehehe i know... i decided not to go out on new years due to work related reasons as well as i knew i would end up doing something pathetically stupid so i saved myself the misery of a blurry mind and the things that follow... I got to work on new years day which means over thirty dollars an hour... so i got to shop for a complete new outfit.. even a pink gangster hat that.. 5th September 2003- (Found July 2, 2008 ) September 5th 2003 SUSANNEPort Office yesterday was brilliant. or so I hear.. Don't remember or recollect anything much from the night as Elisabeth and I were drunk already at 8pm after lying two hours in the jacuzzi drinking.. !! hehe... We then continued the vorschpiel at Zanett and Tine's apartment...Otherwise I think the night went well... and we had fun.. we all lost toucg with each other during the night but that is usual... sorry to anyone who I was unusually clingy or bitchy to.... 7th September 2003- (Found July 2, 2008 ) 7th September SUSANNEOKie what has been happeningThere has been numerous dates going on amidst the girls..Some more worthy of mentioning than others .Some of these are suppsedly great,,, Yesterday some of the girls went out and had a blast...Except I heard there was one thing that all of them found a nuisance but Its not nice to mentionwhat or whome....A visitor of one of us fell asleep and stayed there the whole night on the staircase of a church.... then later moved on to the... 18th September 2003- (Found July 2, 2008 ) 18th September 2003 SUSANNEOKie its been a while.. What has happened well the other girls have been seriously lazy and not done crap on this page expet my favourite Ragnhild..... so i am doing a little course soon for the others to learn how to use this simle little tool called page builder.... just hope their little brains manage to learn the skills........ hehe.........There is going to be a hooker and pimp party in spring hill on friday so all the girls are deciding what to wear. zanett is... 23rd September 2003- (Found July 2, 2008 ) 23rd September 2003 SUSANNE & ZANETThey og hopp bare 2 dager igjen til ferieparadis...........RUMOURS fra festen og andre ting.. ps festen var toppers.........bilder kommer vel snart tenker jeg meg........Ei av oss fikk oss endelig litt klinings fra o den store,,,,,,,,,,ei av oss klinte med mere enn en ihvertfall som hun husker,.....ei av oss sov visst paa festen med en viss nordmann...... og de har ikke mistet kontakten.....ei av oss har kapret en gutt fra taxi stoppen.........ei ble baert. 6th October 2003- (Found July 2, 2008 ) 6th October SUSANNEhey hey okie we are back from bali(me zanett gunhild and elisabeth) .. WE had an EXCELLENT time and we are all definetely more tan than when we left..... the weather wasnt all good but it was still good enough for 3 visits to the beach and plenty of shopping..combined i think we bought about 240dvds hehe......... also louis vitton and shirts....however we were all very involved in the dvd shopping.... we went out 3 nights to the bounty ship in kuta... we drank.. 13th October 2003- (Found July 2, 2008 ) 13th October 2003 SUSANNEHey hey I wrote like a lot with Tine the other day but the computer crashed and everything was lost.. but no worries i remember most of the stuff that has happened in the last week or so..... well i can write about rumours floating around since thursday.....Me, Elisabeth, Helene, Tove,Grete Lill, Lene and her friend from NOrway went to Surfers this weekend.. it was a blast ... and Backpackers in Paradise was a great place to sleep even though some of us didnt have... 15th October 2003- (Found July 2, 2008 ) 15th October TOP PRIORITY N EWS REPORTED BY SUSANNEJust in 5 minutes ago.. One of us was out yesterday.... and after about a few weeks of nothing but drought actually got off with someone... I know thats not a big thing but seriously I am overjoyed that she is back again.... been worried about it for quite a bit....She has said "I am back in business" plus she tld this reporter that the BRITISH dude at DOB dumped his whole 4 day relationship for her... before leaving this morning for... 16th October 2003- (Found July 2, 2008 ) 16th October 2003 SUSANNEOKie!!!!!! We went out yesterday.. surprise surprise.. all we needed was a strike for an excuse and off we went... it started out just being a regular girls night in with movies and quickly escalated to wines and beers being passed around and the hairspary bottle slowly emptying!FIrst off was press club..... live band and stuff like that but that soon grew boring and we trotted off to monastery where there was some kind of dating or flirting thingy,,, we each got a.. 16th October 2003- (Found July 2, 2008 ) 16th October 2003 SUSANNEOKie!!!!!! We went out yesterday.. surprise surprise.. all we needed was a strike for an excuse and off we went... it started out just being a regular girls night in with movies and quickly escalated to wines and beers being passed around and the hairspary bottle slowly emptying!FIrst off was press club..... live band and stuff like that but that soon grew boring and we trotted off to monastery where there was some kind of dating or flirting thingy,,, we each got a.. |