Comparing Web Framework platforms- May 5, 2008 Found via Michael Foord, the summarized screencast is fun to watch but the results are even more interesting. The Result ASP.Net pretty much more than 3 minutes. Screencasts Perhaps just as interesting, the interactive Dar tool,comparing a variety of factors including speed of development, deployment cost, community, productivity among others. What companies plan their purchases strategically- May 5, 2008 Craig Bailey posted this link on Twitter regarding Sun's lacklustre performance last quarter - Jonathan Schwartz's Blog: Our Q3 Choice quotes:"Why don't you just stop giving your software away Because we prioritize developer adoption. Let me give an example....the MySQL team had scored a design win - ahead of the proprietary competition. What should we have charged them beforehand No matter what it was, they wouldn't have used the product - startups and developers don't pay for software...We... Quick VFP Developer Shortcut: Tables into clipboards- May 2, 2008 Developers create a lot of little "snippets" that help them in a lot of different scenarios. Some of them evolve into larger tools; others turn into hidden gems that get shared among a small select few. (hmmm....SET TANGENT ON ....sounds like an interesting idea for a VFPX project - a snippet sharer - damn! don't they have that in VS - I DIDN'T think of that when I was first writing this - why can't I think of something that VS DOESN'T have - OK - SET TANGENT OFF - I do think we DO need an... Southwest Fox 2008 - Make Plans Now- May 2, 2008 So registration is now open for Southwest Fox 2008. I think it's always hard for a conference web site to do it justice. You can show either pictures of the speakers , the facilities or the food - repeat the testimonials from previous years - but the question remains:How best to sell 3-4 days of intense FoxPro developer community interactionFor as much as I am a "let's blog everything so it's available everywhere" type of person, I definitely get the value of attending the conference - so I'm... |