w a n d e r l i s tWanderlist is a site where users create lists, add new items to lists and vote on list items they like. Since it's inception in 1998 all sorts of lists have been added to the site.Best songs After the year 2000- (Found July 2, 2008 ) best songs of the the new centuryhttp://www.wanderlist.com/songsafter2000 Favorite Horror Heroine- (Found July 2, 2008 ) Who would you want at your side (or to cower behind) when facing a masked psychopath Vote for who you think is horror's greatest Final Girl!http://www.wanderlist.com/horrorheroine Horror's Sassy Second Fiddles- (Found July 2, 2008 ) While often sassier, sexier and more sarcastic than the Final Girl's, these feisty femmes don't always make it to the end but they still leave a lasting impression.http://www.wanderlist.com/secondfiddles Who Should Play Dazzler- (Found July 2, 2008 ) Whether in an X-Men film or solo, who do you think would be a perfect fit for Pop Diva Superhero Alison Blaire, aka Dazzler Who has what it takes to be both badass and glamorous Would you cast younger or older More concerned with singing or acting talehttp://www.wanderlist.com/castdazzler Greatest Music Themed Video Game.- (Found July 2, 2008 ) If you've played one of these games you've probably played it a lot so vote for your favorite game to virtually rock out to.http://www.wanderlist.com/musicgame |