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Feed items 11 - 16 of 16 for August 2007

An RSS Blog - Daily News and Information Related to RSS Feeds, Syndication and Aggregation.

Daily RSS Blog and news related to RSS, really simple syndication, rdf, blogs, syndication and news aggregation. Information related to marketing RSS, new RSS software releases, beta test opportunities, new RSS directories and discussions of opportunities related to RSS.

Common Errors that Kill Search Engine Ranking - August 7, 2007

Tricking the search engines just does not work. The search engines do not look kindly upon webmasters who attempt to deceive the search engines about the content contained on a webpage. 1. Cloaking Cloaking a website is a stealth technique used to provide a copy of a web page to search engines while providing an alternate copy to website visitors. The website copy provided to the search engine is optimized and not always reflective of the real content contained on the webpage. Common Errors.

What is a Blogathon - August 6, 2007

During the Blogathon, people update their websites every 30 minutes for 24 hours straight. For this, they collect sponsorships. Pledges can be a flat donation, or a certain amount for every hour the blogger manages to stay awake.

Blog for Legislation - August 4, 2007

A blog launched this month has teamed with a U.S. senator in an effort to write new broadband legislation, and so far participants have given the process high marks., a blog focused on liberal issues, has been hosting a wide-ranging discussion on broadband policy since Tuesday. Senator Dick Durbin, an Illinois Democrat and assistant majority leader in the Senate, has joined the discussion, saying he'll use the ideas from OpenLeft to craft broadband legislation.

RSS Higher Value than Blogs - August 3, 2007

RSS has the highest value among Web 2.0 technologies, according to a Forrester Research report released Friday. The research firm surveyed 275 IT decision-makers online between April and June. Twenty-three percent of those surveyed report substantial business value for RSS. One in three uses RSS for marketing purposes. Podcasting came in right behind RSS, with 21% reporting substantial business value. By contrast, only 11% said blogging delivers substantial business value. Fourteen percent...

National Geographic Feeds - August 2, 2007

National Geographic News headlines and story summaries are now available via RSS feeds.

GreenPeace has RSS Feeds - August 1, 2007

GreenPeace has RSS feeds. The RSS feeds cover issues from global warming to genetic engineering.
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