Answerbag: Latest Questions in LegalThe latest questions on Answerbag in Legal, the user-generated FAQI got and eye injury on my job where they had to shave my cornea and could not work for a week. Is my employer suppouse to pay me- July 1, 2008 Worker&039;s comp should have picked up the tab f (Submitted by: csimme01 and Ninja Coops Are Patent Pend) Having a recent dwi (waiting on slr hearing and on probation) if i were driving a friend who was drinking(glass in hand), would i be in trouble if pul- July 1, 2008 Depends on where you live. In CA, yes. (Submitted by: bigd012904) In prison is it good to be ugly- July 1, 2008 it makes no difference because it&039;s your bum (Submitted by: Mushen) My son turn 18 and he just got a girlfrind, she is 16. I am afraid that he could get in trouble if they have sex . I maid a comment to him and he said- July 1, 2008 California Penal Code section 261.5 makes it a mis (Submitted by: Anonymous) Why have potheads accepted the regge colors- July 1, 2008 They symbolize what potheads believe in (Submitted by: -O-uknow.. 70 and still 69ing) |