The Eggcorn Database Comments- v. 0.5by: Dustin- December 25, 2006 as soon as you realize that the SOUL is a manifestation of SELF then you realize that your SELF is not your physical body then you realize that your your soul and you are living your life through the physical eye then you know that it does not end with death. energy is consciousness and energy does not die. so , in other words, your body dies. but you live on&8230;&8230;.. . how come the astro realm seems more real than this one&8230;.. physical limitations. your fellow soul , Dustin by: Marnen Laibow-Koser- December 22, 2006 Is this an eggcorn or simply a new idiom by: Marnen Laibow-Koser- December 21, 2006 That&8217;s more than just a possibility, Dale. I&8217;ve seen &8220;much to-do about nothing&8221; used. from AMZ, 28 December 2006: there is an entry for ado to-do, eggcorns.lascribe.neteng&8230; by: Marnen Laibow-Koser- December 21, 2006 I agree with Arnold here: while there may be some eggcornish behavior here, this looks like a foreign-language idiom being nativized. It happens that the English calque sounds nearly the same as the original French, which probably makes the translation easier to accept. by: Marnen Laibow-Koser- December 21, 2006 My guess would be that these are simply phonetic spellings, not eggcorns. I doubt that anyone really thinks that &8220;catchitore&8221; is derived from &8220;catch&8221;. by: Tom- December 21, 2006 From Johnson&8217;s English Dictionary, a snippet found via Google: &8220;Weal away&8221; interj. Alas. Spenser: &8220;Now out alas! he cride, and wele away! I wounded am full fore!&8221; Spenser&8217;s poems. I wonder if this relates to where this phrase came from. From &8220;alas&8221; to &8220;wealhappiness is gone&8221; to several other apparent meanings this phrase appears common in middle english texts. by: Tom- December 21, 2006 Strictly speaking there is no such thing as centripetal force, it is centripetal acceleration, manifested in the person experiencing it (who happens to be tethered to the center of gravity) as &8220;centrifugal force.&8221; Thus this one may in a way be a double-eggcorn But maybe a Physics professor or two would need to confirm that. by: johnsmith- December 19, 2006 ca should be cf by: PPLLC2007- December 18, 2006 Haha! i was really looking for info on windshield repair but i came across your blog and enjoyed reading. thanks! Great Stuff!!! PPLLC by: Chris- December 16, 2006 I have a coworker that has LAN LINE in his signature. I think he&8217;s a moron. He also thinks laptop is spelled LABTOP |