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Feed items 11 - 20 of 23 for June 2008

Asa Dotzler: Firefox and more

Asa Dotzler: Firefox and more

paul thurrott gets a jump - June 15, 2008

Paul Thurrot, over at his SuperSite for Windows, gets a jump on the competition and the release with his early review of Firefox 3. He hits on some great points, including some well motivated criticisms, but overall there's no doubt after reading this review that Firefox 3 is Paul Thurrott's browser to beat. Mozilla Firefox 3 is the fastest, safest, and most feature-rich Web browser available on any platform and I recommend it to one and all. This is one area where Windows, Mac OS X, and...

google toolbar for firefox 3 - June 15, 2008

I asked the other day what people thought about search toolbars now that browsers all come with pretty sophisticated built-in search and find capabilities. There were some good responses both pro and con. Today, the news is good for Google Toolbar fans. Just in time, it's been updated to work with Firefox 3. If you're a user and you can't do without it, here it is: Google Toolbar.

short interview with me - June 13, 2008

I answered some questions for a short interview with If you're interested in learning a little bit more about me or about Mozilla and Firefox, head over and give it a read. An Interview with Asa Dotzler (Mozilla)

search toolbars considered - June 13, 2008

I think Walt Mossberg is right on when he makes the point that search toolbars are a thing of the past. Now that all of the major browsers include pretty sophisticated Internet, in-page, and local search functionality, the idea of adding an entire toolbar for a search box seems kind of silly. Now, some of you, I'm sure, will say, "but I need the page rank tool" or some other niche feature that comes with a search toolbar. Maybe so, but it's just that, a niche feature and not something that...

fun screencast for firefox 3 - June 13, 2008

Mozilla has such an amazing community. Here's just one great example. Check out Jimmy R's Firefox 3 review screencast.

firefox 3 screencast contest - June 12, 2008

The deadline for the Firefox 3 Screencast Contest is coming up soon. There's not much time so if you want to be a part of making Firefox 3 rock and you want a really cool Firefox t-shirt, you'd better hurry! What's the contest We need your help to create screencasts for the top 100 support articles on our community-powered Firefox Support site. It's your chance to impact Firefox users worldwide and win some cool prizes. Why Screencasts The Firefox Support project (also known as SUMO) has a..

field guide to firefox 3 - June 12, 2008

Deb has really blown my mind this last month with her amazing series of Firefox 3 blog posts. Well, she's gone one step further and wrapped it all up into a mega blog post that covers everything you need to know to get the most from Firefox 3. Go read it: Field Guide to Firefox 3 And, to make sure that as many people see it as possible, please, please go digg it.

firefox 3 to be released on june 17th - June 12, 2008

Yep, we've nailed down the last of the remaining launch issues and we're excited to announce that the worldwide launch of Firefox 3 (in more than 45 languages) will be happening next Tuesday, June 17th. update: ROBOT VICTORY!

raskin's mobile firefox interface prototype - June 11, 2008

Aza (yeah, that's with a "z") Raskin, from Mozilla Labs, has a great blog post and screencast demonstrating some very innovative and I think extremely friendly mobile UI concepts for Fennec, the Firefox browser for mobile devices. Head over to his blog and check it out.

firefox 3's beautiful glyphs - June 10, 2008

Deb Richardson and Stuart Parmenter teamed up on a great blog post that demonstrates some of the amazing work on fonts that make Firefox 3 really shine. Head over to Deb's blog via digg (and bump that post up a notch while you're there) and have a gander. Lots of explanation and pics!
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