STAT Fiber NewsAgNews that matters for growers processors and tradersVietnam's Cotton Imports Surge- (Found July 2, 2008 ) WASHINGTON - Jun 1108 - SNS -- A sharp decline in cotton production in Vietnam this season has spurred a dramatic increase in imports, including enough from the United States to make that country its top supplier, reports the U.S. agricultural attachefor the country. USDA Sets Wool, Mohair Price- (Found July 2, 2008 ) WASHINGTON - Jun 1708 - SNS -- The USDA 's Commodity Credit Corporation today announced posted prices for wool, by region, and the national posted price for mohair. USDA Sets Wool, Mohair Price- (Found July 2, 2008 ) WASHINGTON - Jun 2408 - SNS -- The USDA 's Commodity Credit Corporation today announced posted prices for wool, by region, and the national posted price for mohair. Cotton Acreage Sinks 15%- (Found July 2, 2008 ) WASHINGTON - Jun 3008 - SNS -- The U.S. 2008 all cotton planted area is estimated at 9.25 million acres, down 15% from last year, according to the USDA's seeded area estimates. Upland cotton planted area totals 9.04 million acres, down 14% from 2007 and the lowest acreage since 1983. Weekly Cotton Market Review- (Found July 2, 2008 ) MEMPHIS - May 908 - SNS -- The USDA released its latest review of cotton market conditions in the United States, reviewing conditions through the week ending 4 9. |