Sugarfusedmusings of a southern bellePrice Earnings- May 22, 2003 First found at Joe's place and read again at Blogshares News. Could someone translate this into simple terms for me I've used the PE as an indicator for buyingselling under the impression that 3.50 is around average. Now it's 50 A PE of 50 I gotta change my stategy... lol Changes to PE boundaries I've relaxed the boundaries for PE ratios to accomodate the increased capital available. UPDATE: The limit has been raised to 200 (see below). The top PE boundary for buying . For inquiring minds.....- May 21, 2003 Secretary spent the day at home with feet elevated. Menu: watermelon (breakfast, lunch and dinner). Baby's mood: well-fed and cozy - elbows and knees extended north, south, east and west. Secretary mood: contrary as hell. Secretary's husband: scared shtless ;) (Untitled)- May 21, 2003 Bound by a dreamBreathing ina flutter of wings and supple suedewhere Pleasure and Painlive beyond memory In a moment of CommunionI recall a DreamOf tearful, beautiful blissI lived another life Over and over the lashes of a whip falling deeply speaking into the whole space of me Slowly Dream, slowling,Bind up the moonlightSear it into my souland know that Ishall lay with You Forever. sugar Unconscious Mutterings- May 21, 2003 Naked:: as a jaybird Singular:: one Particle:: board Unified:: front Lion:: Leo Capitulate:: submit Quantum:: leap Celestial:: heavenly Motion:: backfield Delight:: afternoon And the bride wore....- May 20, 2003 Jennifer posted this "And The Bride Wore..." link today. Great fun! Especially the "dual-use wedding gowns". And be sure to take a peek at the kittens on Jennifer's page today. Soooo cute! So cute in fact, that I've changed my mind about babies and would rather have kittens instead ;) Yoohoo....- May 20, 2003 Maybe a joke Ok, let's try a joke... Noren Eron, the great Norse comic decided to bring his act to America. He booked several shows in the northern states and did well. He then took his act down south, but he realized that the farther south he went, the less the crowd appreciated his act which had the poor guy miffed. When he got to the Deep South, no one got his act at all. After many disappointing sets, he just quit one night and returned to Norway. This goes to show you: You should... Is it just me- May 20, 2003 ....or does anyone else find Blogshares to be an incredibly SLOW loading site Maybe it's my impatient nature, but it seems to take forever to get a page up, and I'm using a high-speed connection here. Imagine my frustation at home on the dial-up. Arghhh Nevertheless, I've managed to go over the $100,000 mark! It's only natural- May 20, 2003 You know, I was just thinking.... I wish I could have more babies. I wish that sometimes. Birthin' babies- May 20, 2003 Timing Secretary's contractions. We're looking at 8 minutes apart right now. Needless to say, Secretary is a bit bitchy. I don't dare get too close.. UPDATE: Fed Secretary a Mexican lunch topped off with a hot fudge sundae. A lil' trick I learned long ago. Contractions still the same. Crankiness increasing. Mandalas- May 20, 2003 Anita pointed me in the direction of Coffee and Oranges this morning to see the mandalas Elaine created with some photographs she'd taken. Very nice! I saved the link to this tutorial on my desktop so that when I get time I can try it myself. I especially loved the one she made of the crabapple blossoms. |