martha stewart living omnimedia is- (Found July 2, 2008 ) martha stewart living omnimedia is searching for a new ceo. In undertaking the search, the company, which had revenue of $296 million last year,could be looking to inject fresh leadership at a time when the share price has plummeted and the earnings outlook has dimmed. Bringing in new top management is one way to refocus attention on the company and away from Ms. Stewart's legal troubles and also a way of invigorating the brand, which is associated almost exclusively with her face and... if you're using movable type,- (Found July 2, 2008 ) if you're using movable type, take the survey. i'm wondering, though, why they chose to ask so few questions... the marketer in me would want to know more -- what are you using it for what would you like to see improved how does it stack up against the other tools you've used of course, maybe they're just gathering email addresses and noting the willingness to answer questions before they start a more focused research effort. l.m. orchard's working on a- (Found July 2, 2008 ) l.m. orchard's working on a plug-in for movable type that supports wiki formatting. idea: have MT titles be WikiNames, so that you could use start having MT x-reference itself... but i like where les is going with this, because one of the things i've been thinking of doing is adding a wiki to for kicks, and then being able to auto-magically blog wiki pages (without URLs) would be slick. "When you connect the dots,- (Found July 2, 2008 ) "When you connect the dots, you end up with a phone," says a financial analyst who covers apple, in this new york times piece speculating on apple's next hardware move. Certainly, Apple's push into the market for a hand-held communicator would be an abrupt departure for Mr. Jobs, who continues publicly to disavow talk of such a move. But analysts and people close to the company say that the plan is under way and that the evidence is manifest in the features and elements of the new version of. here come the whitelists... the- (Found July 2, 2008 ) here come the whitelists... the sydney morning herald reports that blue bottle is launching, which is (yet another) whitelist-based spam filtering system that requires unknown senders to register before being granted access to your inbox. (meanwhile, is just a splash page...embargo problem...or just timezone issues) could it be that a- (Found July 2, 2008 ) could it be that a major ISP actually listens to its customers new earthlink access software helps banish pop-up ads. "The pop-up blocker is the most exciting feature. About 4.1 billion pop-up ads are served on the Internet and we have had consumers tell us that is the most annoying experience on the Internet. We are happy to give customers the ability to control their Internet experience," said EarthLink's vice president of product development Jim Anderson. Surprise,surprise: Spam filters can delete- (Found July 2, 2008 ) Surprise,surprise: Spam filters can delete legitimate e-mail. ( not surprising, and perhaps a- (Found July 2, 2008 ) surprise, surprise: wells fargo will shutter its mobile services. you mean i won't be able to transfer funds from savings to checking from my mobile phone the horrors, the horrors... i'm fascinated lately with ray- (Found July 2, 2008 ) i'm fascinated lately with ray ozzie and his public writings; he's ceo of a leading technology company that is pushing the envelope with collaboration software (which we use at quris), and is shouldering a major investment from microsoft, who is focused on extending their office dominance on to the intranet (and extranet) with exchange and sharepoint. so the consipiracy theorist in me wonders how much influence microsoft had over a new lotus notes "scrounger" feature in groove 2.1, that ozzie.. yet another reason for tivo:- (Found July 2, 2008 ) yet another reason for tivo: billTV! ("Some associates of Bill Clinton and executives from CBS are involved in negotiations to make the former president the host of a daily afternoon talk show," says the nytimes.) |