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Feed items 1 - 10 of 15 for August 2006

And like that... he is gone - August 26, 2006

So that's it. RIP Three Years of Hell, June 2, 2003 to August 25, 2006. After all these words, there are only a few things left to say. Two sites, the Imbroglio and the Volokh Conspiracy, have given me a...

And for those without blogs... - August 25, 2006

Dear Wormwood: Our correspondence over these last few years, put together, may be the single longest thing I've ever written. For old time's sake, however, I hope you'll allow me to give you one last list, a few things I...

Advice for 1Ls Starting a Blog: A Much Shorter Part II - August 25, 2006

Dear Wormwood: I promised you two letters that might help your friend Scrimgouge in starting a 1L blog. The first letter focused mostly upon matters that any blogger, legal or otherwise, might find useful, be they technical or stylistic. But...

Welcome to the Continuum! or Passing the Torch - August 25, 2006

Say hello to Luis Villa, a 1L at Columbia law school. He's another coder turned lawyer, and his musings on code and law strike a cord. If there's any other Columbia Law School bloggers who would like to tie their...

Down to the Wire - August 25, 2006

Right... self-imposed deadline of tonight to finish this thing off, and still four or five posts that I need to complete. Right now all that quick typing in exams is coming in handy!...

Advice for 1Ls Considering a Blog: A Very Long Part One - August 24, 2006

Dear Wormwood: Who is this Scrimgouge whose email address you've forwarded me It's certainly very flattering that he's asking you to ask me for advice on starting a law school blog. Nevertheless, there's no good reason for him to ask...

Could Be Worse - August 24, 2006

A friend of mine just gave me a "post bar exam gift": a copy of Ichisada Miyazaki's China's Examination Hell: The Civil Service Examinations of Imperial China. From the first page: Competition for a chance to take the civil service...

Grumpy Old Man Alert: "In My Day, We Didn't Have the 'SONI' System Like You Youngsters. We Read Two Hundred Spam Emails From Every Society Imagi - August 24, 2006

Forwarded from a current Columbia Law Student, from one of Student Services' fantastic new staff members: We have put in place a new system, the Student Organization News and Information (SONI) System, which allows student organizations and journals to email...

New York Pungent - August 24, 2006

Strange circumstances conspire to bring me back to New York just before the blog ends. I drove through Jersey late last night. A blind man could smell his way up the Jersey Turnpike. My memory of New York will be...

The Beginning of the End - August 18, 2006

Dear Wormwood: The bar exam is over. I've moved away from D.C. to Another State. 1 And today the last signs of law-student living left me: my free Lexis account no longer works. I feel I shall soon have withdrawal...
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