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Feed items 11 - 15 of 15 for August 2006

An Interesting Paradox - August 18, 2006

Over at the Republic of T, Terrance has been chronicling battles in Wisconsin and Virginia over the interpretation of either Defense of Marriage amendments or alterations thereto. The argument is wearily familiar: that the text of the legislation is overbroad,...

It's a sad day when you find a lawyer asking why evidence of bias is important - August 14, 2006

Another "oops" in Lebanese photography, this time from the AP. Fact-checking seems to have gone out of style these days. Worse than journalists, credibility seems on shaky ground with lefty law professors. The ever-dependable for the lunatic fringe view Brian...

Photoshopping Nonscandal - August 11, 2006

I guess the guys at DailyKos are a bit giddy after their victory over Kiss Me Joe, because they're hawking the story of a photoshopping scandal. According to the Kossacks, the GOP decided to paint a Hitler moustache on Howard...

Why the New York Times Can't Prepare You For the Bar Exam (or your CrimLaw Final) - August 11, 2006

Compare and contrast this New York Times editorial on "castle doctrine" laws with this fisking. As those who just took the New York bar will recall, New York requires someone in fear of their life to make reasonable efforts to...

Blood in the Water - August 7, 2006

After forcing Reuters to pull a third rate forgery from its video archives, bloggers are having a field day finding more suspicious photos from the IsraeliHezbollah conflict. My guess is that many will turn out to be perfectly valid images,...
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- August (15 items)
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