ASP AllianceThe #1 ASP/ASP.NET Community!Basic SQL Queries- September 26, 2000 Straightforward tutorial on showing the simplicity of using the SQL query. Three Step Guestbook- September 26, 2000 Have you ever wanted to learn to make an ASP guestbook in VBScript A guestbook is actually fairly easy and a great what to provide your visitors a medium to comment on your site. Proper Case- September 26, 2000 How to capatilize each letter of a word in a sentence ASP Excel Reports- September 25, 2000 A quick and easy way to generate Excel reports using just ASP. ADOSQL Tutorial- September 25, 2000 Step-by-step ADO usage. Self Submitting Forms- September 25, 2000 This tutorial explains how to make a page submit to itself, and why this is a good way to handle forms. Using Server Side Includes- September 25, 2000 Using Server Side Includes, SSIs can make site maintenance MUCH easier. Here's how they work. Cookies with ASP- September 25, 2000 Simple Demonstration of reading and setting cookies with ASP. Opinion Poll Sample- September 25, 2000 Create your own dynamic Opinion Poll without a database! File System Object Tutorial- September 25, 2000 An introduction to the ASP FileSystem object. |