Artima's JavaNews items of interest to the Java.ZeroTurnaround Releases JavaRebel 1.1- (Found July 2, 2008 ) ZeroTurnaround announced the availability of JavaRebel 1.1, a JVM plugin that enables reloading changes made to Java class files on-the-fly, saving developers the time it takes to redeploy an application or perform a container restart. Ethan Nicholas: More Details on Java Update 10- (Found July 2, 2008 ) A key engineer on Sun's next-generation JRE project, Ethan Nicholas initiated many of the changes that led to a slimmer and more user-friendly JRE in Java Update 10. In a Sun Developer Network article, Nicholas shares more details of what's new in the latest JRE version. Bjarne Stroustrup on Language Evolution, Multiple Dispatch, and DSLs- (Found July 2, 2008 ) In a wide-ranging interview with MSDN's Howard Dierking, Bjarne Stroustrup, designer of the C++ programming language, shares his views on domain-specific languages, loosely-typed systems, languages that support multiple dispatch, and on code readability and programming style. Steve McConnell on Measuring Developer Productivity- (Found July 2, 2008 ) Managers need to measure the productivity of their employees, including that of developers. But choosing the right metrics to measure developer productivity is fraught with peril, says Steve McConnell in an article evaluating commonly used developer productivity measures. Rod Johnson's Predictions for Enterprise Java- (Found July 2, 2008 ) In a series of predictions for the future of Java EE, Rod Johnson, founder of the Spring project, shares his opinions on de facto versus de jure standards, the role of the JCP, and on why Java EE 6 will usher in renewed app server competition. Ken Fyten on the Latest ICEfaces Release- (Found July 2, 2008 ) ICEfaces is an open-source JSF library supported by ICEsoft. The latest ICEfaces release includes support for asynchronous, non-blocking IO, portlet-style deployment of ICEfaces components, and several new JSF components. ICEsoft's Ken Fyten discusses the latest features in an interview with Artima. Writing DSLs with Scala Parser Combinators- (Found July 2, 2008 ) The renewed popularity of functional languages opens up new possibilities for defining domain-specific languages. In a recent article, Debasish Ghosh describes the use of parser combinators in Scala as a way to implement a DSL that can work with any Java code. Visualizing Concurrency- (Found July 2, 2008 ) In a recent blog post, Terracotta's Ari Zilka explains how visualization can help better understand concurrency problems. JetGroovy 1.5 for IntelliJ IDEA- (Found July 2, 2008 ) JetBrains has announced the general availability of JetGroovy 1.5. The popular Groovy development plug-in for IntelliJ IDEA has been extended with a number of highly anticipated features, such as Groovy-aware refactorings, Groovy code assistance, Groovy debugging, and improved support for Grails development. An Introduction to Django- (Found July 2, 2008 ) When Google introduced its AppEngine service, it announced that Python would be the service's first supported language. One of the most important Python Web frameworks that can easily be hosted on AppEngine is Django. Dan Ellis introduces Django in a recent article. |