Artima's JavaNews items of interest to the Java.Scala and XML- (Found July 2, 2008 ) Working with XML is seldom associated with joy, but a language that has native support for XML can make working with XML documents a lot more fun, writes Michael Galpin in a recent IBM developerWorks article. Syntactic Sugar: What Makes It Sweet- (Found July 2, 2008 ) While syntax extensions may not add new functionality to a language, such extensions, or syntactic sugar, can make a language more suitable for specific problem domains, writes Debasish Ghosh in a recent blog post. Donald Knuth on Multi-Core, Unit Testing, Literate Programming, and XP- (Found July 2, 2008 ) Donald Knuth, author of The Art of Computer Programming, and a pioneer in the analysis of algorithms, was interviewed by SD Times' Andrew Binstock. In the interview, Knuth shares his views on XP, unit testing, code reuse, multi-core architectures, and the future of software development. Sun Releases NetBeans 6.1- (Found July 2, 2008 ) Sun's latest NetBeans release brings improved performance, faster startup, a preview of a PHP editor, JavaScript support, updates to the Ruby development environment, and extend integration of several Java frameworks. Applets Reloaded: New Tags and Demos- (Found July 2, 2008 ) Improved support for applets is one way Sun's Java Update 10 promises to make client-side Java developers' lives easier. Geertjan Wielenga draws attention to key new applet-related JRE features, and ponders what they may mean for the future of applets. |