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Feed items 11 - 16 of 16 for September 2002

TheoBlogical Community

The Blog that took over New Media Communications  A place to reflect and connect on the subject of Theological Community, Online Community, and how the two relate to each other.

Wired 10.10: Lawrence Lessig's Supreme Showdown - September 26, 2002

I've been less diligent in the past couple of years in my perusal of WIRED when it arrives at my mailbox.  A couple of nights ago,  I noticed the article on Lessig in the back of the issue.  And it's online , too.  Comments forthcoming (or not). Once a "right-wing lunatic," he's become a fire-breathing defender of Net values. Ian WhiteLawrence Lessig In late 1997, after reading a profile of the super-brainy professor in the Harvard Law Bulletin, Judge Jackson had...

(Untitled) - September 25, 2002

Remembering two inspirational stories from my early Chrsitian days: My Heart, Christ's Home,  and In His Steps (which inspired the "What Would Jesus Do" aka WWJD thing).  It is so glaring to me today how both those stories so totally embody a "compartmentalization" of Jesus away from "life in the world".......that the question rarely gets asked in regards to say, the question of war against Iraq;   like "Would Jesus lead a pre-emptive strike against Iraq,  or even...

On Napster and the Church (from iggie's corner) - September 24, 2002

Iggie makes a good point : I have been thinking a lot about Napster,Morpheus,and these other file sharing and peer to peer programs. They are organic. They are like a web of interconnected friends who link up to meet each others needs without anyone in charge. Each person filling anothers need. Another meeting the need of another. Isn't this is what church is supposed to be all about Why have we fallen so short The Church instead of using the resources of the people of God have sold out. from.

Smart Mobs: A Website and Weblog about Smart Mobs By Howard Rheingold: Home - September 23, 2002

&187; Table of Contents: The chapters of Smart Mobs, including summaries of each chapter and weblog entries for that chapter. &187; Book Summary: A summary of the book &187; Reviews and Articles: Links to outside evaluations of the book. &187; Appearance Schedule: See Howard Rheingold in your area discussing the book and it's implications. &187; Bibliography: Information about further reading of the information used in the creation of Smart Mobs.

WEBLOGSKY - review of Smart Mobs - September 23, 2002

"After stewing in the juices of virtual community and watching the emergence of various social networks over the last decade, Howard Rheingold thought hard about what he was seeing and came up with the concept of the smart mob. "Smart mobs emerge when communication and computing technologies amplify human talents for cooperation. The impacts of smart mob technology already appear to be both beneficial and destructive..." Howard sees a revolution and a rich field for innovation in the...

Weinberger on The spirituality of the web's architecture - September 20, 2002

David Weinberger posts on JOHO today: Spirituality chat: "The transcript of a chat I did at on the topic "The Spirituality of the Web's Architecture" has been posted here. 10:28 PM PermaLink " This is promising of many various blog-spirations for me.   I feel the end of a blogless funk arriving.  This area is where the Web's connection into "getting us connected to the Clue-giving character of the web' and the "Need to get that clue from inside...
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