The Daily ReckoningThe Daily Reckoning - Practical investment advice and global financial news and comment in an educational, contrarian and always entertaining formatA Turning Tide- June 17, 2005 Questionable policy initiative in Japan: encouraging bureaucrats to procreate...paying $2 million for a dump... When will America's house party be broken up...the mess Greenspan will leave behind... Attention speculators: This is a bubble. Get out....the instant gratification of easy money... Low-Cut Dresses and Ugly Ducklings- June 16, 2005 If all of your friends jumped off the bridge...real estate continues to cause people to do the oddest things... The original sin...flooding the world with money and labor...bending over backwards to get a good view... The Immaculate Conception of wealth...take a trip to Vancouver.. More Than a Conundrum- June 16, 2005 Moving money from one pocket to the next...America's lust for wealth... You can't guarantee success...magical, mystery money... There's a skunk in the woodpile...a serious addiction to money pits... A Recipe for Disaster- June 16, 2005 Greenspan explains the interest rate would literally grow on trees if the Fed had its way... You have to earn it before you can spend it...who will replace the maestro No-fault economy...the citizens of Squanderville that you should be worried about... Hollow Dummies- June 16, 2005 The patriotic duty to consume...the wheels of the U.S. empire are getting a bit rusty... Imperial hallucinations...who's going to throw Greenspan a life preserver There will be no joy in Mudville after the bubble pops...another good reason to have kids - free labor... Nipping the Bubble in the Bud- June 16, 2005 Naked housewives...revoking credit cards in the U.K.... Binge borrowing...misery ensues...the party had to end sometime... Greenspan should go incognito...a weakening middle class... Gold Reconsidered- June 9, 2005 What's that Do we see the Big Picture in the distance...globalization works against the West... Where European and Anglo-Saxon economies part ways...fondled figures...obvious, but inconvenient points... The race toward disaster...the slick beauty of the global economy... Searching for the Sweet Spot- June 9, 2005 Why isn't anyone asking the right prices in the political center of the U.S. empire... Choosing what "emergency" to address first...the ticking time bomb of personal debt... Preparing the next generation of world improvers and empire builders...examining the gold community... House Arrest- June 9, 2005 Oh, what a tangled web we weave...mind the gap... A speculator in buyer's may be sunny now, but we'll hold onto our umbrellas - just in case... Jobs numbers disappoint...the comeback of thrift... Imperial Conceit- June 9, 2005 Thinking about how societies really empire built on unnecessary figureheads... The emperor has no authority...the greatest pyramid scheme of all time...don't ask, don't tell... Believing all is well in Squanderville...selling your soul for the imperial race... |