Statistics Norway within the last 3 daysNews within the last 3 daysAccommodation: 2,2 million guest nights- July 2, 2008 The number of guest nights in Norwegian accommodation establishments reached 2,2 millions in May this year. This is an increase of 5 per cent compared with 2007. Both domestic and non-resident guest nights increased, by 4 and 9 per cent respectively. Inheritance tax statistics: NOK 1.9 billion of inheritance tax- July 2, 2008 Total assessed tax on inheritance and gifts amounted to NOK 1.9 billion in 2006. This was 15 per cent less than the previous year. While assessed tax on inheritance increased by 2 percent, tax on gifts was reduced by 38 per cent. Road goods transport: Lorry transport continues to grow- July 2, 2008 Norwegian lorries carried a total of 263.9 million tonnes of goods on their national transports during 2007. This is 7.6 per cent more than in 2006. Each tonne was on average transported 3.1 kilometres shorter than in 2006. The total covered distance increased by 2.3 per cent. Export of salmon: Small decline in export price of salmon- July 2, 2008 In the period 23 June to 29 June, the export price of fresh salmon came to NOK 25.98 per kilo. This is a decrease of 4.4 per cent from the previous seven-day period. Holiday survey: More popular to travel abroad- July 2, 2008 The total number of holiday trips abroad was 3.4 million in 2007, the highest figure ever recorded and an increase of 49 per cent since 1999 and 5 per cent since 2006. Development in the shore zone: Steady building activity in the shore zone- July 2, 2008 The figures are based on reports from the municipalities through the KOSTRA (municipalities to the state reporting), supplemented by calculations based on the national administrative register of buildings (GAB). |