- SocialLatest Article Headlines from for SocialThe Prerequisites to Change- (Found July 5, 2008 ) The following is a simplified description of a process which can be employe d on ourselves and or others in order to facilitate happiness, harmony, growth and improved relationships. purpose of creation- (Found July 5, 2008 ) Millions of us go through life without any understanding of the purpose of our being here, what we are supposed to do during our life time, what happens after death, is there a soul that survives death, and what happens to the soul eventually, and for that matter what is the purpose of creation. Remembering 911: Where was God on Sept 11- (Found July 5, 2008 ) Sharing some thoughts that I wrote two years ago. Probably like so many of you 'out there', I really wonder and get deeply saddenened at the state of the world today (being bitterly disappointed at some countries actions); however, all I can do is share some of my thoughts in faith that things WILL get better. Why are Violent And Fear Oriented Words So Popular- (Found July 5, 2008 ) Have you noticed the inundation of violent words used to 'positively' promote web site and online services In today's atmosphere of terrorism, why is there 'not' a recognition that terms like the following promote fear and negative emotions: 'Killer ads' 'Blast your Readers with...' 'Explode your traffic...' And if the user of these terms 'intends' to gain customers by tactics of fear Why Do you 'want' to do business or buy from someone who would personally hurt you Offend you Blast you Kill.. What is a Life Purpose- (Found July 5, 2008 ) Every human begin has his or her unique purpose of helping to heal our planet and other people. Planet Earth is the ultimate university for our souls, where you have the task of learning your lessons, showing love, and sharing gifts. You can evolv.. |