- SelfLatest Article Headlines from for SelfLove is Not an Adjective...It's a Verb!- (Found July 5, 2008 ) If one were asked to describe love, I imagine they would attempt to convey blue skies with fluffy clouds, fluid harps and lovers embracing with whispering good byes Organise your Recipes on Computer- (Found July 5, 2008 ) Organise your Recipes on computer. With so many great recipes in magazines, newspapers and on the Internet, here is a simple way to keep them all organised in your own recipe collection library. Set Marketing Goals To Build Your Confidendence- (Found July 5, 2008 ) Setting goals is challenging for many people because they've had more experience at failing to achieve a goal, than they have of successful achievement. Therefore, if the idea of setting goals makes you wince, relax and read on. You'll discover a new way of setting goals which will inspire you. Five Ways To Be Happy.. TODAY!- (Found July 5, 2008 ) There is nothing wrong with having dreams, and goals. But when those dreams interfere with our daily lives, and create a tunnel Vision' we need to step back and take stock! Find Your Happy Place For New Year's Success!- (Found July 5, 2008 ) When I recently saw one of my favorite movies, 'Happy Gilmore' staring Adam Sandler, I realized that this movie has an extremely important success principle that you should know about to achieve success in the new year. Understanding the Sexes Part 2- (Found July 5, 2008 ) These differences and resulting confusion and conflicts are created by our childhood programming about men, women and the relationships between them. Some of those messages were received through statements we had heard but mostly by observing our parents and other role models. A New Years Resolution: YES or NO- (Found July 5, 2008 ) I've heard it said that by the end of January, over 90% of individuals who make New Years resolutions don't remember what they were. Why is this so People are often sincere, however, they are not yet in the right place for big changes in their lives. Many others want to continue same behaviors, such as eating the wrong things, and still reap the rewards of increased levels of energy and weight loss. The Happiness Formula That Never Fails!- (Found July 5, 2008 ) Living can be simplified.You merely have to accept some basic truths then put them into daily practice.It's a universal formula that has never failed... A Cure for Post Christmas Let Down- (Found July 5, 2008 ) No matter how majestic and enchanting your celebration, the post Christmas let down is a very real phenomenon. We all arrive back to reality a little shaken from all the excess.On Christmas Day, my home was filled with neighbors and nieces and friends who dropped by. My kitchen countertop was filled to overflowing with walnuts, tiny pink peppermint meringues, spicy sausages, smoky cheeses, a strange collection of mustards, and Aunt Bernice's Atkins approved sugar free chocolates. Let Your Light Shine in the New Year!- (Found July 5, 2008 ) This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.' That's what the Strengths Course should be named. It helps people figure out, well, things like.. |