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Feed items 1 - 10 of 15 for July 2008 - Work

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Success By Association (SBA) - (Found July 5, 2008 )

This year instead of the usual resolutions, mind you they are the same resolutions you make each year, let this year be different. This year as one of your resolutions limit your exposure to individuals who validate the 'old you,' the you you're not happy being. To gain confidence, lose weight, learn to drive a car, get new skills for another career, whatever the goals be sure and have like minded support.

8 Tips To Spot A Liar! - (Found July 5, 2008 ) you.7 A lot of throat clearing.8 Scratching head or face when talking.Most of the time you can tell when someone is lying to you, because facial expressions are a result of our society's rules. But most people are not very good at covering their emotions.b..

Surviving and thriving when your job goes away - (Found July 5, 2008 )

Gwendolyn Parker, author of Trespassing, asked for seven months of severance when she voluntarily left her senior position at American Express. Seven months seems like a vast, open space when you leave the corporate world, especially if you hate your job. Your health plan unfolds into Cobra expensive but comprehensive so you figure, 'I've got time.' You're tired, so you need to relax.

Easy Ways to Improve Your Work Life - (Found July 5, 2008 )

1. Use a tickler file to remind you of upcoming to do's. It can be as simple as having 'next week' and 'next month' files or as complicated as having files for each day of the month and each month of the year. There is no right way whatever works best for you.

How to Become a High Achiever - (Found July 5, 2008 )

While wondering about achievement in life and how far you are ready to go, there is no better way to start than from yourself. This requires that you are able to formulate the right questions, which will put you on the path to the wealth.

Where's Your Edge - (Found July 5, 2008 )

The other day my sixteen year old daughter came home from school practically in tears. Sensing her distress I gently inquired as to how her day was. With animated emotion, she began to tell me about the project she is working on in science class. She's studying electricity and has to build an electric generator. She made it abundantly clear to me that she's never felt 'dumber ' in her whole life and she hates the project.

Career To Do's - (Found July 5, 2008 )

The start of a new year is a common time when people talk about making changes, particularly when it comes to their jobs. Whether you are seriously ready to make a move or you are still thinking about it, these 5 Career To Do's will help get your year started off right.

So You're Between Gigs! - (Found July 5, 2008 )

I have been onstage off and on for over a quarter of a century. As an aside, I recently had the incredible pleasure of singing along with a large group of British expats living in Spain who are mounting a 'Gilbert and Sullivan' work this coming Spring, It is really wonderful to hear Gilbert and Sullivan pronounced as it was meant to be veddy veddy British!

Track Your Job Search Progress - (Found July 5, 2008 )

Are you someone who has been working the Internet and other areas for telecommuting work or home based businesses Confused, yet not sure what you have done or where you are going with it. I have been there and still am sometimes. I have worked out some tips and suggestions that can help you navigate these waters.

Enjoy the Ride: Make Your Commute Time Count - (Found July 5, 2008 )

Are you a commuting parentDo you know what that isNot just a parent who commutes, but a mom or a dad who must commute WITH their little one each day.If this is your daily routine, are you making the most of it
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