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Feed items 1 - 10 of 15 for July 2008

STAT Mustard and other News

AgNews that matters for growers processors and traders

Marginal Increase in Special Crop Output - (Found July 5, 2008 )

VANCOUVER - Jul 408 - SNS -- Agriculture Canada adjusted its supply and demand forecasts for the 2008-09 marketing year to reflect Statistics Canada's seeded area estimates for the year.

Higher Average Prices Forecast - (Found July 5, 2008 )

VANCOUVER - Nov 1607 - SNS -- Agriculture Canada left the forecast size of this year's specialty crop harvest unchanged, but has become increasingly optimistic about price prospects for the coming season, raising its season average price forecast.

CGC Bonding On Block - (Found July 5, 2008 )

OTTAWA - Dec 1307 - SNS -- Proposed amendments to the Canada Grain Act would no longer require licenses grain dealers in western Canada to post bonds with the Canadian Grain Commission, putting them on an equal footing with their counterparts in eastern Canada, and freeing up capital for trading and other operational costs.

Lower Supplies of Specialties in Canada - (Found July 5, 2008 )

VANCOUVER - Dec 1407 - SNS -- Canada's specialty crop harvest ended up 10% higher than last year at 4.51 million metric tons (MT), based on Statistics Canada's (STC) November production estimates.

World Buckwheat Crops Decline - (Found July 5, 2008 )

WINNIPEG - Dec 1807 - SNS -- World buckwheat production is estimated at 2.25 million metric tons (MT) this year, down from 2.363 million last year, but ahead of the 2.078 million grown in 2005, according to a recent report by Agriculture Canada pulse and special crop market analyst Stan Skrypetz.

13% Hike in U.S. Mustard Crop - (Found July 5, 2008 )

WASHINGTON - Jan 1108 - SNS -- Mustard and rapeseed production posted a solid increase in the United States in 2007, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) final crop report for 2007.

Expanded Crop Potential for Canada - (Found July 5, 2008 )

VANCOUVER - Feb 908 - SNS -- Production of grains, oilseeds, pulses and special crops in Canada is forecast to increase to from 64 to 70 million metric tons (MT) this year, due to higher area and yields, says Agriculture Canada in its first 2008-09 outlook.

Minor Changes to New Crop Outlook - (Found July 5, 2008 )

VANCOUVER - Mar 708 - SNS -- Agriculture Canada made minor adjustments to its new crop seeded area and production forecasts in its latest monthly update.

Improved Hairy Vetch For Northern Climes - (Found July 5, 2008 )

WASHINGTON - Apr 308 - SNS -- USDA researchers have developed a new variety of hairy vetch they say is better suited to northern climatic zones in the United States and which could be an important asset to organic farmers looking for a winter cover crop which can help reduce weed competition and herbicide applications, improve soil quality and tilth, and provide symbiotically fixed nitrogen to nourish crops that follow it.

Smaller Special Crop Harvest Likely for Canada - (Found July 5, 2008 )

VANCOUVER - Apr 3008 - SNS -- Canada is looking at a general decrease in prospective specialty crop production levels this year if farmers stick with the seeding intentions, judging from Agriculture Canada's latest regular review of the sector.
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