Sunflower NewsLocal news for Sunflower, MS continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Rigor and (Civil) Rights: Helping Mississippi Students See Beyond the Delta- June 30, 2008 Photography by Katherine Emery. Produced by Grace Rubenstein. Drive two and a half hours north of Jackson, Mississippi, past cotton, soy, and catfish farms, and you'll find a water tower announcing the tiny ... FBI to help with Miss. Delta kidnapping-rape case- June 19, 2008 The FBI will take over the investigation into the alleged kidnapping and rape of a Sharkey County woman who was thrown off a bridge by her abductor. PW Daily- June 16, 2008 NEA Awards $2.8 Million in Big Read Grants The National Endowment for the Arts announced another round of grants this morning for its Big Read initiative, which is aimed at promoting reading within communities. Flashbacks- June 5, 2008 June 5, 1958 Plans are being completed by representatives of the Home Town Development committee, Industrial committee and Kosciusko's city overnment for an all-out campaign the week of June 9-16 to clen up and ... |