Why yes, I do, son....- June 23, 2008 There's not a day that goes by where I'm not amazed by something that Spencer says or does. maybe I'm showing my age here, but being able to peer into his world (even briefly) provides such a source of surprise...http://www.plasticfruit.net/boxed-up/000039.html Yesterday....- June 22, 2008 Its days like yesterday that remind me of how AWESOME my life is. A couple summers ago, I bought Spencer a bicycle. I was still living working in Phoenix - he and I were together for the summer, so...http://www.plasticfruit.net/boxed-up/000038.html Verklempt- June 19, 2008 Every time I watch the ending of Cars - when Lightning McQueen stops and turns around to push TheKing over the finish line... I get all choked up and feel a big lump in my throat. Last night I pulled...http://www.plasticfruit.net/boxed-up/000037.html Bedtime Stories for Bitter People...- June 18, 2008 Once upon a time - in a land far far away... there lived a girl named Bertha (not really her name) . Now Bertha had a boyfriend who used to make a most yummy hot-n-sour soup... Now, Bertha secretly detested...http://www.plasticfruit.net/boxed-up/000036.html The road home is fraught with adventure...- June 9, 2008 There's so much to say about the road trip home - but I'd be posting from here until July 4th... there's so much - The BlueRidge Mountains, Gatlinburg, toodling the backroads of Tennessee to find smallish confederate battlefields that aren't...http://www.plasticfruit.net/boxed-up/000035.html Triple M (and the other M)- June 8, 2008 After finding my hotel, I headed out to meet MMM and her friend M (who had just returned from spending a few weeks in Italy). It was fantabulous! So much fun!! (The big wheel kept on turnin.... proud Mary kept...http://www.plasticfruit.net/boxed-up/000034.html Sunset on the Intercoastal- June 7, 2008 Landed in Raleigh, jumped into my rental car, and started down the road. Wilmington is my destination for this evening - and with Starbucks in hand, and 'Hair Nation' cranking on the Sirius radio, I'm off. About 6 months ago,...http://www.plasticfruit.net/boxed-up/000032.html Lost in thought. at 30,000 feet- June 6, 2008 I'm off this weekend. Partly for work, partly for pleasure. I'm almost unplugged... but I'm taking notes on my phone, and I'll post them as I think about getting around to it... Right now, I'm on my plane in Kansas...http://www.plasticfruit.net/boxed-up/000031.html Geekery- June 4, 2008 After re-reading last night's missive, I feel the need to clarify.... Yes, I work in a non-traditional setting. Sometimes in my cubicle at my office... Sometimes from home. Usually in my office upstairs. Usually with a headset covering my left...http://www.plasticfruit.net/boxed-up/000030.html Wii Fit- June 4, 2008 A week of so ago, I was working late (doing an insource - the opposite of outsourcing,,, what you do when your outsourced vendor sucks so horribly that you have to take it back from them)... Anyway, my buddy Russell...http://www.plasticfruit.net/boxed-up/000029.html |