Teenagers NewsNews on Teenagers continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.Stab victim pleaded for his mother- July 5, 2008 The latest teenage victim of London's knife crime crisis pleaded for his mother as he lay dying in the street.http://www.topix.net/family/teenagers/2008/07/stab-victim-pleaded-for-his-mother?fromrss=1 Teens on You Tube quest attacked in NY's Oniontown- July 4, 2008 Authorities say two Mahopac teenagers who traveled to the site where a You Tube video was filmed are recovering after a group of angry youths threw rocks at their car.The incident took place this week in the hamlet of Oniontown, a community within Dutchess County that has become the brunt of jokes in a number of You Tube videos.Friends say the 17-year-olds drove to Oniontown after watching the videos. State police investigator Eric Schaefer says it's not the first time out-of-towners were...http://www.topix.net/family/teenagers/2008/07/teens-on-you-tube-quest-attacked-in-nys-onio... Teens charged in fire at historic school- July 4, 2008 Three southeast Missouri teenagers face arson and burglary charges in connection with an April fire that destroyed the Head School, a one-room Scott County schoolhouse that dated to the mid-19th century.http://www.topix.net/family/teenagers/2008/07/teens-charged-in-fire-at-historic-school?fro... Thieves target unlocked cars in Rochester Hills- July 4, 2008 Unlocked vehicles with valuables in plain sight are an invitation to steal, even in quiet and comfortable Oakland County communities.http://www.topix.net/family/teenagers/2008/07/thieves-target-unlocked-cars-in-rochester-hi... Isolated Teens: Time to Knock Down the Walls- July 4, 2008 CLOSE From the double-edged sword of new technologies to the omnipresent media, today's teens are facing unique challenges.http://www.topix.net/family/teenagers/2008/07/isolated-teens-time-to-knock-down-the-walls?... US Teacher Is Suspended For Letting Pupils Read Bestseller- July 4, 2008 An Indiana teacher who used a much lauded bestseller, The Freedom Writers Diary , to try to inspire under-performing high-school students has been suspended from her job without pay for 18 months.http://www.topix.net/family/teenagers/2008/07/us-teacher-is-suspended-for-letting-pupils-r... Teens Arrested For Silver Comet Attacks- July 3, 2008 Four teenagers are charged with aggravated assault and robbery against two cyclists on the Silver Comet Trail in Cobb County.http://www.topix.net/family/teenagers/2008/07/teens-arrested-for-silver-comet-attacks?from... Teen years officially a pain in the neck- July 3, 2008 Australian researchers have proven what high school students have long suspected, being a teenager can be a real pain in the neck.http://www.topix.net/family/teenagers/2008/07/teen-years-officially-a-pain-in-the-neck?fro... Authorities Arrest Six after Gas Station Brawl- July 3, 2008 Lee County authorities estimate more than 100 people were involved in a ruckus at a southwest Florida gas station.http://www.topix.net/family/teenagers/2008/07/authorities-arrest-six-after-gas-station-bra... Soap star's teen brother killed in knife attack- July 3, 2008 BRITISH soap star Brooke Kinsella has appealed for an end to the violence that has claimed the life of her brother Ben and 16 other teenagers in London this year, as a newspaper printed a short story the teen ...http://www.topix.net/family/teenagers/2008/07/soap-stars-teen-brother-killed-in-knife-atta... |