Valley Cottage NewsLocal news for Valley Cottage, NY continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Touring group homes' past- July 4, 2008 The request seemed innocent enough: Come and help Camp Venture judge a beautification competition involving the staff and consumers at their community residences around the county. 43 arrested, charged in Rockland welfare frau...- July 2, 2008 Officials announced this morning that 43 people from all over Rockland had been arrested on charges of welfare fraud. Clarkstown presses for pruning of 520 double utility poles- July 1, 2008 The town's streets are crowded with so many double utility poles that Supervisor Alexander Gromack has initiated Operation Double Pole to press for their removal. Congers carnival draws families for food, fun, fireworks- July 1, 2008 CONGERS - Alyssa Merz had her choice of the roller coaster, carousel, even a giant slide. Valley Cottage woman will be Honored Hero in Rockland cancer walk- July 1, 2008 Amy Dave and her husband were planning a post-wedding trip to India to meet relatives when her father suggested she have her persistent cough checked out by a doctor. |