Valley Cottage NewsLocal news for Valley Cottage, NY continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Nyack High students, teachers dig veggies- June 8, 2008 VALLEY COTTAGE - Nyack High School environmental science teacher Tom Perry wanted his students to understand that tomatoes don't come from factories. 5 high school seniors get O'Grady-Brown college scholarships- June 5, 2008 NYACK - Six high school seniors will share $5,000 in college scholarships on Saturday through a fund named for two Nyack officers murdered in the line of duty. Censorship focus of Nyack elementary school musical- June 3, 2008 VALLEY COTTAGE - The stage in the Liberty Elementary School auditorium was decorated with a giant computer, before which a dozen 'computer chips' dressed in silver and black tossed books into a 'flame' dancing ... Matt Hecht: Congers custom T-shirt guy- June 1, 2008 CONGERS - It's 3 p.m. on a Wednesday and Matt Hecht is, as usual, deep into his sewing. |