Ayurveda For YouComprehensive site on Ayurveda - world's oldest health care systemShirodhara: Great purification and rejuvenating therapy- (Found June 19, 2008 ) use of simple and natural Ayurvedic methods like 'Shirodhara' can significantly improve health and vitality .......http://ayurveda-foryou.com/panchakarma/shirodhara.html Constipation - Simple ways to cure- (Found June 19, 2008 ) Constipation is the cheif cause of meny diseases.It results in weakening of vital organs and lowering of resistance of entire system ....http://ayurveda-foryou.com/treat/consti_cure.html Turmeric: The Ayurvedic Spice of Life- (Found June 19, 2008 ) Let your food be your medicine, is a very basic principle in Ayurveda. Turmeric exemplifies this principle. To most people in India, from housewives to Himalyan hermits, Turmeric, affectionately called the "kitchen queen", is the main spice of the kitchen. ... ....http://ayurveda-foryou.com/ayurveda_herb/termeric.html Ayurvedic Management of Tinnitus Karna nada- (Found June 19, 2008 ) Often the practitioners of the modern medicine use words "you just have to learn to live with it." Far from being helpful, this phrase increases the isolation and frustration of the tinnitus patients.Ayurveda comes to rescue.............http://ayurveda-foryou.com/traet/tinnitus.html Shilajit, the Traditional Panacea- (Found June 19, 2008 ) There is hardly any curable disease which cannot be controlled or cured with the aid of Shilajit". - Famous Indian Vaidya Charak (1st Century A.D)......http://ayurveda-foryou.com/ayurveda_herb/shilajit.html Interactive Online Correspondence Course - Basic course in Ayurveda.- (Found June 19, 2008 ) New short term Interactive Online Correspondence Course - "Basic course in Ayurveda" has been launched. This certificate course will be conducted through www.ayurveda-foryou.com , in collaboration with International Academy of Ayurveda. .........http://ayurveda-foryou.com/online_course.html |