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Feed items 11 - 15 of 15 for July 2008

And your point would be?

The life of a red headed step child.

Tough Choices - (Found July 5, 2008 )

Yesterday, I found out that someone that I worked with for a couple of years ended up killing someone. The...

And now for something completely different - (Found July 5, 2008 )

So I've looked through the last month or so of my posts and I've noticed that it's been quite some...

I'm a dancing queen... who doesn't need any money - (Found July 5, 2008 )

Ok, so my guy is an avid Abba fan, and he told me the other day that Abba was offered...

It works! - (Found July 5, 2008 )

Ha! After months of not posting (mainly because I'm a doofus and forgot my password), I am back! Of course,...

Is this thing on - (Found July 5, 2008 )

So is there anyone out there that is still reading my blog I know I have been bad of late...
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