the Friend online - rss editionIndependent Quaker journalism since 1843 - issue 04 July 2008Reflections on priorities for centrally managed work- (Found July 5, 2008 ) The consultation on the Long-term Framework for our centrally managed work has come after a long period of reflection on our priorities, particularly over the period when our centrally managed work has been subject to cuts. News round-up- (Found July 5, 2008 ) Involving young people in our Quaker Meetings - Some Friends might blanch, but there could be good reasons for moving Meeting for Worship times to accommodate teenagers who stay in bed on Sunday mornings. Young Quaker sets equality agenda in new TV show- (Found July 5, 2008 ) A young Quaker from Bristol is starring in a new television series helping women with disabilities break into the fashion industry. Try a Free Sample !- (Found July 5, 2008 ) Try up to four issues of the full online edition of the Friend for free. |