Stafford NewsLocal news for Stafford, VA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.City and Stafford officials urge river safety- July 4, 2008 Stafford and Fredericksburg officials say they hope people wisely use the Rappahannock over the 4th of July holiday. Spotsylvania Sheriff'S Office Arrest Burglary Suspects- July 2, 2008 A dropped wallet led to the arrest of a man charged with burglary in Spotsylvania County. Cash-Strapped County Seeks More Revenue- July 2, 2008 Several dozen business owners urged Stafford County officials to reject a business tax last night that they said would drive up their costs and could even force some to close their doors. Two New Principals Named For Stafford- July 2, 2008 Robert Freeman, who has been Widewater Elementary School's principal since 2004, has been named Ferry Farm Elementary's next principal. Stafford County sheriff's officials yesterday again declined to...- July 2, 2008 Stafford County sheriff's officials yesterday again declined to discuss allegations that one of their deputies acted improperly when he shot and killed a county resident late Sunday. BB gun shooting in Fredericksburg- July 2, 2008 Fredericksburg Police are investigating a Stafford man being hit last night by a B-B. The victim was traveling southbound on Princess Anne Street with the car windows down. Man pleads not guilty to involuntary manslaughter- July 1, 2008 A Stafford man pleaded not guilty in Prince William Circuit Court Tuesday morning to charges stemming from a November car accident in the Manassas area. Smile, Stafford: Camera To Capture Properties- July 1, 2008 A Canadian-based research firm will be surveying residential and commercial properties in Stafford County this week. Fires Destroy Homes In Stafford, Spotsy- July 1, 2008 A North Stafford family came home from dinner Friday night to find smoke billowing from their house, fire officials said. Stafford County Students Continue Home Building Honored- July 1, 2008 Stafford High School student John Pelcharsky, 16, walked into a new Stafford County home with a sense of ownership. |